Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: Ich adaptiere Altglas, weil

300. Sie dürfen bei dieser Umfrage nicht abstimmen
  • ich auf der Suche nach der ultimativen Linse bin

    43 14,33%
  • es billig ist

    89 29,67%
  • alte Objektive ein "besonderes" Feeling haben

    218 72,67%
  • ich gerne bastle

    72 24,00%
  • ich alten Objektiven ein zweites Leben geben möchte

    98 32,67%
  • ich wissen möchte, was alte Linsen an modernen Kameras zu leisten vermögen

    142 47,33%
  • ich dem Charm alter Linsen erlegen bin

    160 53,33%
  • diese ein besonderes Bokeh haben

    139 46,33%
  • langlebiger sind als moderne Linsen

    77 25,67%
  • sonstiges (bitte im Thread beschreiben)

    15 5,00%
Seite 14 von 14 ErsteErste ... 4121314
Ergebnis 131 bis 133 von 133

Thema: Was ist Eure Motivation Altglas zu adaptieren?

  1. #131
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    Paul hat sich vermutlich diesen Adapter bestellt.

  2. Folgender Benutzer sagt "Danke", Bessamatic :

  3. #132
    Fleissiger Poster
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    Standard cx126 anders als ihre vorgänger

    Further to the comment above ad internal lens elements: the Contaflex designed for Kodaks badly designed film carrier does not have the unremovable basic lens where add-ons like the pro-xx had to be used with the built in lens to function. The 126 version did have some parts fixed to the camera body, such as the aperture control and the focussing helix. However the aperture itself is in the usual place and can be operated by any correctly placed pin. Thus the Chinese adapter "only" needs the correct size and distance bayonets , a helicoid , plus a correctly placed pin. No optical components. I hope that it turns out to have Novoflex precision more hppenstance engineering is not fair to the precision of the optics. Just like the original instamatic cassettes were a mismatch.


  4. Folgender Benutzer sagt "Danke", hofsethpaul :

  5. #133
    Spitzenkommentierer Avatar von Rob70
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    Zitat Zitat von hofsethpaul Beitrag anzeigen
    Further to the comment above ad internal lens elements: the Contaflex designed for Kodaks badly designed film carrier does not have the unremovable basic lens where add-ons like the pro-xx had to be used with the built in lens to function. The 126 version did have some parts fixed to the camera body, such as the aperture control and the focussing helix. However the aperture itself is in the usual place and can be operated by any correctly placed pin. Thus the Chinese adapter "only" needs the correct size and distance bayonets , a helicoid , plus a correctly placed pin. No optical components. I hope that it turns out to have Novoflex precision more hppenstance engineering is not fair to the precision of the optics. Just like the original instamatic cassettes were a mismatch.

    Very interesting, thanks for the Info.

Seite 14 von 14 ErsteErste ... 4121314

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