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Thema: Neues Buch: "Let’s Try! - Repair and Maintenance of Cameras: Japan Hobby Tool"


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    Standard Neues Buch: "Let’s Try! - Repair and Maintenance of Cameras: Japan Hobby Tool"

    Immer auf der Suche nach Anleitung - und die ist für das Thema Kamerareparatur rar - habe ich unlängst diese Neuvorstellung gefunden:

    Let’s Try! - Repair and Maintenance of Cameras: Japan Hobby Tool : Ozeki, Michio: Bücher

    Aus der Buchbeschreibung:

    For camera enthusiasts, the time they spend savouring the feel of the camera in their hands from time to time is an enjoyable and fulfilling time, but it can be disappointing if they find mould on the lens or deterioration of the light-shielding sponge. Why not take the plunge and try repairing it? This book provides easy-to-follow explanations of the key points of repairing metal-mechanical cameras that can be disassembled and reassembled, as well as the necessary tools.

    Michio Ozeki has written the definitive repair bible for mechanical cameras. The book provides detailed instructions on the repair of 24 camera models that are available at used camera shops and online auctions to help beginners trying camera repair for the first time. He also provides a history of mechanical cameras based on his experience in repair work at the Camera Manufacturing Department at Nikon USA and Nikon GmbH, where he worked assembling their main models (SP/F/F/F2/F4). The tools and materials needed for repair are listed at the end of the book.

    Ich bin gerade beim Durchblättern.

    Sehr schön, viele praktische Tipps, umfangreich, Sucherkameras und SLR, reichlich illustriert, Englisch.


  2. Folgender Benutzer sagt "Danke", Ando :

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