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Thema: Heute im Web gefunden - FD/EF-Umbau mit angebl. Einheitsendstück ...

  1. #21
    de Vörstand Avatar von hinnerker
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    Hi Ed,

    welcome to Digicamclub.

    Thanks for posting your very informative email to "lensdoctor", filled with lots of interesting details about your developments..

    As far as i understand, your development refers only to nFD lenses, or are there plans to extend this to the breechlock - versions?

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  2. #22


    Hi Ed,

    welcome here, have nice time here!


  3. #23
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    Hi Ed,

    welcome to Digicamclub.

    Thanks for posting your very informative email to "lensdoctor", filled with lots of interesting details about your developments..

    As far as i understand, your development refers only to nFD lenses, or are there plans to extend this to the breechlock - versions?


    Thanks for the welcome everyone. Yes Henry, I intend to have non destructive and fully reversible EOS adaptation kits developed for most FD breech lock and FDn bayonet mount lenses within a year. I've got a pretty big collection already for development testing
    Name:  6907722094_50771ff530_b.jpg
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    by Ontarian, on Flickr

    I'm trying to make my main place to find all info on what I have and what I am working on with my twitter account, youtube, ebay and all that linked there.

    Geändert von hinnerker (25.04.2012 um 05:12 Uhr)

  4. #24
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    Hi Ed,

    a nice set of test samples you are collecting.. imposing

    Seems you have tryed a lot of things within near the complete line of FD lenses.. Wonderful.

    After doing a lot of conversion work for other people/friends, the little set i can show is only a part of your collection.

    But we do have a small section, in which me and others are publishing articles based on "open source" and sharing this
    knowledge with other people.

    Here you can visit / find our section of articles about converting lens work..

    So not every Canon FD lens is "keeper" and good enough to convert it with a new and expensive mount.
    What would be your recommendations for FD lenses to bring them to a new EF life?
    And finally, what are your expectations in selling this KIT after the Sony NEX is introduced in the market?

    A simple FD 1.8/50mm "kit lens" or some typical consumer lenses would not be the best choice to convert them with your
    new Mount, the price for a converting kit would be (in some cases) 10 times higher then the lens itself.

    So what do you personally think which lens is worth to convert.. ?

    Geändert von hinnerker (25.04.2012 um 06:37 Uhr)
    Canon EOS 5D MKIII, 5D MKI, Canon 1D MK IV, Sony A7, NEX7, A7 II.. und viele, viele feine Objektive aus dem Altglas-Container..

  5. #25
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    Hi Ed,

    I did the removal of the original iris connection on the FD 85/1.2L non destructive as well - but I don´t want to try to reassemble it back to original FD at the moment. Would be more work than to get it out of the lens.
    Your idea with the back lens sounds good. But I have - as always :-) - some doubts about the precison of the parallelism. But OK, the approaching second lens is pretty much parallel. The idea is great!

    I think with this mail potential problems with the Lens Docter should be cleared - as long as he performs reversible lens conversions. I suppose he don´t :-/

    Impressive lens collection!
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  6. #26
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    Zitat Zitat von Keinath Beitrag anzeigen
    Hi Ed,

    I did the removal of the original iris connection on the FD 85/1.2L non destructive as well - but I don´t want to try to reassemble it back to original FD at the moment. Would be more work than to get it out of the lens.
    Your idea with the back lens sounds good. But I have - as always :-) - some doubts about the precison of the parallelism. But OK, the approaching second lens is pretty much parallel. The idea is great!

    I think with this mail potential problems with the Lens Docter should be cleared - as long as he performs reversible lens conversions. I suppose he don´t :-/

    Impressive lens collection!
    Kann ich nur unterschreiben. Die Idee mit einer flexibel eingefassten und sich anpassenden Rücklinse hatte ich auch und sie ist verlockend, nachdem ich aber den Begrenzungsbund der Rücklinse am original FD Mount meines 1.2/55mm Aspherical von 0,33mm auf ca. 0,1mm geschliffen hatte, verwarf ich diese Idee schnell wieder. Nachdem ich diesen alten FD Mount aber auf den speziell gefertigten EOS Adapter in der ersten Version mit Höhenanpassung umgeschraubt hatte, ergab dies völlig inkonsistente Ergebnisse, da sich das bewegliche Element bis zur Berührung dem starren Element annäherte und die Rücklinse minimal "herausdrückte".

    Die Bild-Ergebnisse waren allesamt davon abhängig, wo sich bei dieser mittlerweile durch den zu schmalen Bund elastisch nachgebenden Fassung, ihre jeweiigen Krümmungsradien begegneten. Damit ist die von Dir angesprochene Parallelität sicherlich nicht mehr gewährleistet.

    Wenn man an so ein elastische nachgebendes System denkt, so müsste dies über eine "Zwangsführung" realisiert werden, was aber aufgrund der baulichen Gegebenheiten am Ende des Mounts nicht machbar ist.

    Es wird auf ewig dabei bleiben, das diese Objektive leider nicht an die 5D MKII mit allen Optionen zu konvertieren sind.

    Bei Nutzung einer 1Ds MKII jedoch haben die Aspherischen Objektive alle Chancen der Welt, sauber zu laufen. Das hab ich mit meinem Umbau des 1.2/55mm Aspherical bereits an der 1Ds MKII unseres Forenkollegen Markus testen können. Funktioniert astrein, auch auf unendlich.

    Now for Ed, in english..

    I double this meaning. The idea of ​​a flexible enclosed rear lens I also had and it's tempting, but after I had cut the original FD mount rear lens surround part of my 1.2/55mm Aspherical from 0.33 mm to 0.1 mm, I rejected this idea quickly. After I had this old FD mount but vice bolted to a specially crafted EOS adapter in the first version with height adjustment, this resulted entirely inconsistent results, because the movable element approached until it touches the rigid element and the rear lens slightly "out pressed".

    The image results were all dependent on where in the meantime met their radii of curvature. Thus, the issue raised by you parallelism is guaranteed not sure.

    When one thinks of such a flexible, resilient system, this would have mean a "positive guidance" should be realized, but due to the structural conditions at the end of the mount seems not feasible.

    It will remain here for ever, that these lenses are unfortunately not convertible on the 5D MKII with all options (only with mirror shaving)

    By using a 1Ds MKII for the aspheric lenses everything works fine. I'm with my reconstruction of the 1.2/55mm Aspherical is already on the 1Ds MKII tested.

    So everything works fine.
    Canon EOS 5D MKIII, 5D MKI, Canon 1D MK IV, Sony A7, NEX7, A7 II.. und viele, viele feine Objektive aus dem Altglas-Container..

  7. #27
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    My moving flexible ring idea does not depend on glass to glass contact to move the last element, a bottom lip of my "EdTraveller" matches up to the thin metal ring around the moving lens group. I feel I will be able to keep perpendicularity within acceptable levels and there will be no risk of the rear lens element popping out either. Right now my biggest problem is the materials like nylon and Devron we have been experimenting with are too rigid and fragile. We have ordered 2" diameter cylinders of polypropylene type materials that should be arriving tomorrow but my father-in-law is concerned that the softer material will be harder to machine since it distorts more and has a tendency to hang on to the cutting chips which will make it hard to get a good finish.

    The 5D3 mirror is slightly lower profile than the 5D2 mirror thankfully. The base FD 55mm 1.2 SSC without separate rear lens almost makes it to infinity before lens to mirror contact where the 5D2 hits at just before 10 meters, since I can keep the separate rear lens of the Aspherical a hair closer to the focusing set, I can get infinity focus with the Aspherical on the 5D3 without mirror contact. Since I expect many serious enthusiasts interested in manual lenses worldwide will be using the 5D2 for years I have to design with that camera firmly in mind.

    Yeah Marcus, that 85L is a real beast to get that lever out eh. I'm going to do a (probably very long) video of me (trying) to put it together again in original condition. I need to do this in order to make the instructional video of how to do the conversion using my kit. Similar to the ones I did here for the FD 55 1.2 the TS 35 2.8,, the FL 55 1.2, and how to do the focus calibrations on the super telephoto lenses using my low profile 0.75 and 0.5mm FD-EOS adapters

    Also, FDn lenses that I think will be great on EOS

    7.5/5.6, 14/2.8L, 15/2.8, 24/1.4L/2, 28/2, 35/2, 50/3.5macro/1.4/1.2/1.2L, 85 SF/1.8/1.2L, 100/2/2.8macro, 135/2, 200/2.8/4macro, 300/4/4L

    85-300, 50-300L, 20-35L, 80-200L

    Of course all the white super telephotos already work on EOS with my 0.5mm adapter and can go back to FD film in seconds. A permanent lens mount swap is impractical because removal of the pivot mounted aperture lever is challenging.
    Geändert von EdMika (25.04.2012 um 14:53 Uhr)

  8. #28
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    Zitat Zitat von EdMika Beitrag anzeigen
    Whoops, looks like I erased my previous post, I have to learn the german words for edit lol.

    I think the most important thing I talked about being able to have good perpendicularity by having movement of the plastic flexing part driven by full contact with the metal ring around the focusing lens group.

    Also, FDn lenses that I think will be great on EOS

    7.5/5.6, 14/2.8L, 15/2.8, 24/1.4L/2, 28/2, 35/2, 50/3.5macro/1.4/1.2/1.2L, 85 SF/1.8/1.2L, 100/2/2.8macro, 135/2, 200/2.8/4macro, 300/4/4L

    85-300, 50-300L, 20-35L, 80-200L

    Of course all the white super telephotos already work on EOS with my 0.5mm adapter and can go back to FD film in seconds. A permanent lens mount swap is impractical because removal of the pivot mounted aperture lever is challenging.
    The german word for EDIT = Bearbeiten

    You wrote..

    .. 50/3.5macro/1.4/1.2/1.2L..
    Do you mean the normal nFD 50/1.2 lens?..

    Is there a modification especially for that lens? I did the conversion of this lens and reported the result here:

    Its a very fine lens.. indeed. Due the intrusion of the rear lens element in conjunction with his diameter (37,15 mm) its not possible focus to infinity on 5D MKII and also in LiveView-Mode it is not possible to focus distances greater then 5 meters, because of the mirror-box limitations on 5D MKII.

    That was one of the reasons, why i did sell this very fine lens to a member of this forum and finally this lens now work on an EOS Crop cam, where everything works fine.. IMHO definetely not usable on a 5D cam,

    How did you manage this problem, if your kit is really universal usefull?

    Whats about the Canon 24-35mm/3.5 L Zoom lens?

    For this lens, also on the 35mm/2 SSC Breech Lock, the user has to shorten/clear the rear lens holder by himself, if the lens is adjusted to infinity.
    Otherwise the mirror on a 5D MK 1 and MK II will hit the lens holder/Lock..

    35/2 SSC with "cleared rear lens holder"

    24-35/3.5 L without clearence, you can only use the lens from 26mm to 35mm.. on a 5D

    Thats what a user has to do with the rear lens holder.. to reach the complete range from 24-35mm

    So this are works, the user has to do, if he wants to reach infinity on that shown lenses on a 5D ..

    Or do you deliver new parts for the rear with your conversion kit?

    And a final question.. what happend if the old screw in the Threads are rot and the user has to drill new holes?

    Often the screws are hard to disengage from the lens body.. about 25 percent of the lenses do have this problem.
    Is there a hint from you to help the user dismantling the old mount without lost of the old screws and the need to drill new holes?..

    I think, there are a lot of problematical things, depending on the type of lens a user wants to convert, which a "universal mount" cant resolve.

    So every type of lens needs his own conversion process.. but its a nice thing to know, that some lenses are easy to convert.. especially the 55mm/1.2 SSC.

    I really like the lens and started my own experience in lens conversion with that lens, years ago.

    Unfortunatelly the price of the kit is very high, if we add the german tax..

    Canon EOS 5D MKIII, 5D MKI, Canon 1D MK IV, Sony A7, NEX7, A7 II.. und viele, viele feine Objektive aus dem Altglas-Container..

  9. #29
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    Unfortunately the price of the kit is very high, if we add the german tax..

    Every adapter package I send out is marked as 49 dollars value. My rationale is that this figure covers purely the material/chip costs of the kit where the rest is for my labour/life time assistance with installation and usability issues, a fair and honest argument I believe. It also obviously reduces customs fee impact worldwide.

    I'm also trying to automate my production so I can start to lower prices. I expect Chinese copies to come out that I know I can compete with quality wise but will have to do better with prices in the not too distant future. In a full work day only 10-15 adapters can be produced right now. With a second machine coming and with automatic tool change capability (exactly this one this should more than double without requiring me or my father-in-law to be 100% at the machine during production.

    As for the term "universal" FDn mount. You are right, it is not universal, every lens has its own unique issues with aperture lever connection and many will have 5D mirror interference issues. When I do start to sell kits, they will all still be very lens specific and will clearly list issues and incompatibilities with certain camera bodies.

    As for screws, I usually provide new ones. This way people can drill the heads off and then put vise grips on the studs. Also heating up the screw with a soldering iron with some solder on it has helped releasing some really tight fit screws without breaking them for me.

    I expect a kit for the 24-35 as well but I'll start with the 20-35 first.

  10. #30
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    Zitat Zitat von EdMika Beitrag anzeigen
    Unfortunately the price of the kit is very high, if we add the german tax..

    Every adapter package I send out is marked as 49 dollars value.
    Unfortunately the customs often wants to see the ebay-transaction documents.. that doesnt help any longer, mostly the declaration is not thruth for them.
    So they start long time ago to show the transaction details on custom office.

    Zitat Zitat von EdMika

    My rationale is that this figure covers purely the material/chip costs of the kit where the rest is for my labour/life time assistance with installation and usability issues, a fair and honest argument I believe. It also obviously reduces customs fee impact worldwide.

    I'm also trying to automate my production so I can start to lower prices. I expect Chinese copies to come out that I know I can compete with quality wise but will have to do better with prices in the not too distant future. In a full work day only 10-15 adapters can be produced right now. With a second machine coming and with automatic tool change capability (exactly this one this should more than double without requiring me or my father-in-law to be 100% at the machine during production.

    As for the term "universal" FDn mount. You are right, it is not universal, every lens has its own unique issues with aperture lever connection and many will have 5D mirror interference issues. When I do start to sell kits, they will all still be very lens specific and will clearly list issues and incompatibilities with certain camera bodies.

    As for screws, I usually provide new ones. This way people can drill the heads off and then put vise grips on the studs. Also heating up the screw with a soldering iron with some solder on it has helped releasing some really tight fit screws without breaking them for me.

    I expect a kit for the 24-35 as well but I'll start with the 20-35 first.
    Thanks again for your detailed informations. Keep us informed about new developments.. and good luck for your business.

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